Friday, December 21, 2012

Watch a paraglider break the world record for looping

Paraglider Horacio Llorens beats the Infinity Tumbling World Record, with 568 consecutive loops over the Mayan ruins of Takalik Abaj, Guatemala.

Infinity tumbling is the most difficult aerobatic paragliding maneuver where the pilot goes over the vertical line of the paraglide sail in consecutive loops. The pilot has to face up to 6G in every rotation. Llorens, a four-time aerobatic paragliding World Champion completed 568 loops after jumping from a helicopter at 19,700 feet.

To quote Horacio:

"For each loop I descended about 32 feet (10 meters). I looped for 15 minutes until I felt that I was near the ground and I stopped at 500 meters for safety. I could have done it a little bit more, but my head was aching and I couldn't really see the distance."

makes me dizzy just watching

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